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    Funeral Service

    Zainabia Center Michigan Funeral Service


    It is mandatory for all Muslims to arrange for the burial of a believer according to Islamic laws when they pass away. If a Muslim is buried according to the customs of another faith, then every adult member of the community who was aware of the situation but did not take any action would have committed a sin as per Islamic laws. This principle is supported by the majority of Muslim scholars, regardless of their sects.

    Zainabia Center of Michigan is offering free funeral services (excluding third-party costs) to help believers in the State of Michigan carry out this obligation without any financial burden or lack of resources. This initiative aims to provide support to those who may not have the know-how or means to arrange a funeral service on their own.

    Muslim Cemetery


    Zainabia Center has acquired a large piece of burial land exclusively for the Muslim community. The grave sites are offered on first-come-first-serve basis at a non-profit basis. This Muslim graveyard is located inside United Memorial Garden, 4800 Curtis Road, Plymouth, MI 48170. With the capacity of our current burial site approaching full allotment, we have acquired another burial land, and again exclusively for the Muslim community. The new graveyard is located at Wadi-us-Saalam (Sunset Hill Cemetry), 9470 Ford Rd, Superior Charter Twp, MI 48198.

    Announcement of Death


    Upon requests, Zainabia Center sends out announcements of deaths to it’s email distribution list. This serves two purposes: first, community members are requested to pray for the deceased and secondly, it alerts our Funeral committee to initiate our protocols to take necessary actions to arrange for the washing, shrouding and burial of the deceased.

    Funeral Services


    For your convenience and to book a plot, please click on the link below to submit your request. You will be contacted by one of our burial committee members. You will be provided the receipt of payment and allotment certificate.

    Donate To Zainabia Funeral Fund

    We have setup a fund to pay for the funeral expenses of a Muslim who did not leave anyone behind or others such a traveler. We will pay for all of the expenses incurred through this fund. Please Donate generously so that no one is deprived of a proper Islamic burial.

    Funeral Services Offered

    When we are contacted by the loved ones of a deceased for help, our funeral committee educates the family about the process and offers them options available to them according to the situation. We have working relationships with many Muslim funeral homes to transport body of the deceased from hospital to funeral homes, washing and shrouding, and the Islamic Janazah Prayers. We also help the family work with the cemetery to arrange for burial services (grave preparation and ceremony arrangements).

    Funeral Home Services:

    These services involve transportation of the body of the deceased from hospital or the location of death to the funeral home, overnight storage when needed, issuance of the certificate of death, and finally, transportation of the body to the cemetery. They also provide casket and a cement vault with lid (required by State of Michigan) at cost.

    Cemetery Services:

    United Memorial Gardens handles the actual burial. They dig the grave, arrange for the tent and chairs and lowering of the casket in the grave. They charge a fixed amount for these services. These services are offered Monday through Saturday from 9AM – 3PM. No funeral can take place after 3PM.


    Services Amount Payable To / Carried out by
    Funeral Home Services (Transportation, Certification) $1500 - $2000 Funeral Home
    Cement Vault $300 - $700 Funeral Home
    Casket $500 - $3000 Funeral Home
    Washing, Shrouding No Cost Zainabia Funeral Committee
    Janazah Prayers No Cost Zainabia Community Scholar(s)
    Grave Plot $1000 (For Members Only) - Retail: $2900 Zainabia Center of Michigan
    Burial Services $2000 United Memorial Gardens

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Who do I contact when I need funeral services?

    Ans. Please submit a “Funeral Services Request” or “Email Us”. Someone will be in touch with you.

    Q2. What if someone doesn’t have any relatives? Who will pay for his/her burial?

    Ans. If you know that someone has passed away who doesn’t have anyone to pay for funeral, we can arrange for funds through generous donations from our community members.

    Subscribe To Our Email Distribution List